- Thickness deviation maps, which highlight whether the thickness measurements of each retinal layer are within or outside of normal limits in comparison to a reference database, making the regions and extent of structural thickening or thinning clearly discernible.
- New thickness maps with a perceptually uniform colour scale that make changes in retinal thickness more easily perceived by the human eye in comparison to the traditional hue colour scale.
- Classification chart with values derived from a Garway-Heath 6 sector grid, accurately anatomically aligned on the macular according to the individual anatomy of each eye using the Anatomic Positioning System (APS).
“The comparison of thickness measurements with the reference database enhances the diagnostic value of thickness maps and improves the visualisation of structural defects consistent with glaucoma”, explains Tim Cole, Clinical Market Development Manager, Heidelberg Engineering UK. “Heidelberg Engineering is well renowned for having revolutionised glaucoma diagnostics after bursting onto the scene with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT) in 1999. The launch of Deviation Maps, and the Glaucoma Hood Report earlier in 2019, shows a continued commitment by the company to developing innovative and clinically validated diagnostic solutions for glaucoma.”
Contact Heidelberg Engineering to find out how to enable Deviation Maps functionality or to enquire about upgrading your SPECTRALIS with Glaucoma Module Premium Edition by calling 01442 502 330 or emailing Info-UK@HeidelbergEngineering.com.