Record numbers attend annual Heidelberg Engineering Academy Masterclass

Infrared fundus image with OCT (top), autofluorescence (bottom left) and OCT Angiography (bottom right) images from OCT LIVE Masterclass patient with dry and neovascular AMD.
Infrared fundus image with OCT (top), autofluorescence (bottom left) and OCT Angiography (bottom right) images from OCT LIVE Masterclass patient with dry and neovascular AMD.
Hemel Hempstead, UK – Over 100 eye care professionals attended the 6th Annual Heidelberg Engineering Academy Masterclass, making it the company’s biggest Masterclass yet. The popular event, which took place at the historic Royal Liver Building in Liverpool, showcased the latest innovations in non-invasive vascular imaging of the retina.

Dr Pearse Keane from Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, chaired the evening whilst Professor Usha Chakravarthy from Queens University Belfast, and Dr Roberto Gallego-Pinazo from Oftalvist Valencia, Spain, presented the latest research on MultiColor imaging and OCT Angiography. A highlight of the Masterclass was the OCT LIVE segment, where two real patients from the Royal Liverpool University Hospital were scanned live on the big screen in front of the audience using the SPECTRALIS Imaging Platform. The audience and speaker panel were invited to discuss their thoughts on the patient’s diagnosis and a lively debate ensued.

“OCT, MultiColor, autofluorescence and OCT angiography imaging were all performed live in front of the audience and compared to baseline scans”, explains Christopher Mody, Director of Clinical Services. “Doctors called out requests for additional imaging on the patients, including customised OCT scan placement and autofluorescence, which we were able to perform on the spot for them. It was a unique experience and it was clear that the multimodal imaging approach increased the clinician’s certainty in the diagnosis.”

It was concluded that the first patient had proliferative diabetic retinopathy and ischemic maculopathy and the second patient has dry and neovascular AMD. The patient volunteers stated that they found the event fascinating and they both independently made the decision to selflessly donate their honorariums to sight care charities.

The next OCT LIVE event from Heidelberg Engineering will be on the subject of glaucoma and optic neuropathies and will take place on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th July at Plymouth University. Contact Paul Artes to register:

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