“The Academy has carefully constructed an educational programme to cater for the training needs of eye care professionals in the community who are undertaking ocular imaging as part of their role” explains Christopher Mody, Director of Clinical Services. “The courses are designed to provide optometrists with the confidence to make clinical decisions and refer appropriately. The programme is also inclusive of dispensing opticians, who are seeing their roles evolve with the addition of OCT imaging in practice”.
A highlight of the educational programme is the OCT LIVE courses, which are free to attend and taking place nationwide. OCT imaging is brought to life with real patients, who are scanned live in HD on the big screen as an illustration of the type of case the optometrist might see in practice and how that patient should be managed.
A comprehensive selection of other courses are held regularly at the Academy Training Centre in Hemel Hempstead, including OCT and fundus imaging operation and interpretation, hands-on training using the SPECTRALIS Imaging Platform and using OCT for the detection and management of glaucoma.
Visit www.HE-Academy.com to view full information and register for the range of courses.