Hemel Hempstead, UK – Heidelberg Engineering offers a diverse range of OCT training courses, all of which are accredited for both optometrists and dispensing opticians. The company has already run more than 50 points worth of interactive CET in 2016, with plans to increase the number of courses in 2017. Courses focus on fundus and OCT image acquisition and analysis for both retinal diseases and glaucoma. Many use the OCT LIVE format, where patients are imaged live on the big screen followed by a discussion on the use of imaging in diagnosis and referral protocol.
“We would like to highlight that our training courses are accredited for dispensing opticians too. Despite acquiring images with OCT routinely, dispensing opticians are often overlooked when it comes to CET points for imaging.”, explains Christopher Mody, Director of Clinical Services.
Visit www.HE-Academy.com to find out more about upcoming events and to book your place.