Hemel Hempstead, UK – An extensive educational programme of events covering OCT and fundus image acquisition and interpretation are being offered by Heidelberg Engineering. A large number of educational seminars and training days are run frequently nationwide and also at the dedicated training facility in Hemel Hempstead. Delegate numbers at these events are capped to allow the trainers to tailor the course content to the specific requirements of those in attendance and hosting such a large number of events nationwide allows as many eye care professionals as possible the chance to attend.
Heidelberg Engineering has already held a large number of training days at their offices in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire in addition to several CET accredited OCT LIVE events nationwide.
“The OCT LIVE events offer the unique experience of guiding the delegate through the patient journey, from scanning the patient live in HD on the big screen to interpreting the images and making a decision on patient management”, explains Christopher Mody, Director of Clinical Services. “They are exciting, interactive sessions which challenge the classic case study book format and demonstrate how a multimodal imaging approach can be used in real life to assess a patient’s eye.”
Over the course of 2016 alone, more than 50 CET points have been offered at Heidelberg Engineering courses already and the company is set to add to its CET calendar over the next few weeks.
Visit www.he-academy.com to find out more about the upcoming events and to book your place or call 01442 502 330 to find out more.