Local Consultant Ophthalmologist Manish Gupta, from Glasgow Royal Infirmary, arranged for three of his patients to be scanned live in HD on the main stage using the SPECTRALIS Multi-modal Imaging Platform. He gave delegates an insight into the patients’ cases, as well as advice on referral pathways. The patient volunteers exhibited macular oedema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion with epiretinal membrane (image A), diabetic retinopathy with secondary maculopathy (image B) and post-treatment wet AMD with RPE atrophy and sub-retinal fibrosis (image C).
Comments left on the feedback forms for the session were excellent and included: “It was a brilliant format – I loved it! I don’t have an OCT, so these lectures are normally above me, but this was really informative and there were some great tips from Dr Gupta” and “What an excellent idea. It was great to have real patients to discuss. I’d like to see more lectures like this please!”
Each OCT LIVE event is worth 3 CET points to both optometrists and dispensing opticians and is designed to build the eye care professional’s confidence in OCT image interpretation and patient management. You can find an event near you at www.he-academy.com/octlive