Hemel Hempstead, UK – The UK’s first SPECTRALIS OCT2 with OCT Angiography Module* has been installed at Queen’s University in Belfast. The device will be used in the NICOLA study (Northern Ireland Cohort for Longitudinal Study of Ageing), which is following the lives of 8,500 over 50s as they grow older.

“The TruTrack active eye tracking feature in SPECTRALIS will create a detailed retinal map of each patient” explains Christopher Mody, Director of Clinical Services. “It will allow the automatic placement of follow-up scans in precisely the same anatomical location, so the clinician can observe the smallest changes in the patient’s eyes as they age.”
“We are excited to include the SPECTRALIS OCT Angiography* Module in the NICOLA add-on studies to look at the microvasculature within the retina and choroid, non-invasively,” explained Dr Ruth Hogg. “These consist of a second visit by NICOLA participants on the basis of features we see in their NICOLA main study visit, and will include a study of normal ageing, diabetes, AMD and glaucoma.”
It is intended that the data gathered in the study will provide the basis for future government policy and ensure that Northern Ireland is prepared to meet the demands of an aging population.
The OCT Angiography Module* for SPECTRALIS is now available for demonstration. If you would like to learn more please call 01442 502 330 or email Info-UK@HeidelbergEngineering.com.
*Under development, not for sale.