Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom – Heidelberg Engineering will be demonstrating ANTERION – the multimodal imaging platform optimized for the anterior segment – at Optrafair for the first time.
“ANTERION is a comprehensive solution that brings together corneal topography and tomography, anterior segment metrics, axial length measurement, and IOL calculation – all in one single upgradeable device”, explains Christopher Mody, Director of Clinical Affairs at Heidelberg Engineering UK. “With ANTERION you get exceptionally clear swept-source OCT images of the entire anterior segment – from the anterior surface of the cornea to the posterior surface of the lens – which provides visual confirmation of all measurements for a new level of diagnostic confidence.”
ANTERION has a number of benefits in the primary care setting including assessment of the anterior segment of the eye with extremely high resolution OCT images, chamber angle analysis, keratoconus investigation, and the ability to make more informed decisions about contact lens fitting. The 4-in-1 modular design makes ANTERION ideal for optometrists conducting pre-operative assessment for lens replacement and refractive surgery in glaucoma and cataract patients as part of a shared care scheme with the hospital eye service.
“Heidelberg Engineering’s use of SS-OCT for anterior segment imaging with ANTERION and SD-OCT for retinal imaging with SPECTRALIS capitalises on the strengths of these differing OCT technologies and optimizes them for specific ocular imaging applications”, explains Christopher Mody. “Ultimately this delivers images that empower eye care professionals to make confident diagnostic decisions to improve patient care.”
Visit stand A60 at Optrafair for a demonstration or call 01442 502 330.